A voltage regulator is an integrated circuit (IC) that maintains a constant fixed output voltage regardless of load or input voltage changes. It can accomplish this in a variety of ways depending on the topology of the circuit therein, but for the sake of keeping this project simple, we will focus mostly on the linear regulator. A linear voltage regulator operates by automatically altering the resistance through a feedback loop, allowing for variations in both load and input while maintaining a constant output voltage.
Switching regulators, like buck, boost, and buck-boost, are efficient for power conversion but require more components and complexity. Linear regulators work well for low-voltage applications. Depending on the use, voltage regulators may need to focus on parameters like output ripple, load response, dropout voltage, and noise. Audio projects, in particular, require extra filtering, especially in switching regulators. Refer to the IC datasheet for detailed information and schematics.
- Fixed-Output Regulator
- Positive voltage Regulator in Negative voltage Configuration
- Adjustable Output Regulator
- Current Regulator
- Adjustable DC Voltage Regulator
- Regulated Dual-Supply
- Output Polarity-Reversal-Protection Circuit
- Reverse bias projection Circuit
- 1 x Voltage Regulator
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